
Violin maker Lee Seung Jin

Lee Seung Jin is a professional violin maker from Cremona who became a master violin maker after graduating at Antonio Stradivari Violin Making School in Cremona, Italy.

After graduation, he worked for 6 years at the laboratory of maestro Gio Batta Morassi and Simeone Morassi refining his technical and design skills as well as learning the secrets of excellent varnishing using exclusively natural components.

Lee Seung Jin confirmed himself as an extraordinary Violin maker at many International and National Violin making competitions and also he is member of Association Italian Violin maker (Associazione Liutaria Italiana) since 2011.

Today he works and lives in Cremona, Italy where the city of Violin.

2005-2007 graduated the Violin making school of Gubbio under guidance of maestro Winfried Mayer and Enrico Eugenio.

2007-2010 graduated the International Violin making school of Cremona(I.P.I.A.L.L) under the guidance of maestro Ernesto Vaia and Massimo Negroni.

since 2011 Member of Association Italian Violin maker (Associazione Liutaria Italiana)

2013 Italian Violins Exhibition “Musica viva festival” in Sydney, Australia.

2013 Published a part of book “Professional Violinmaker and Bowmaker” of Assciazione Liutaria Italiana.

2014 Violin Museum Exhibition “Italian Violin makers of 21th century” in Cremona, Italy.

2015 Italian Violins Exhibition “Musica viva festival” in Sydney, Australia.


2011 Bronze medal for Violin at the Pisogne Violin making competition in Italy

2012 Silver medal for Violin at the Pisogne Violin making competition in Italy

2013 Gold medal for Violin at the ANLAI (National Association of Artistic Italian Violin making) in Italy

2015 Silver medal for Viola at the ANLAI (National Association of Artistic Italian Violin making) in Italy

2016 Silver and Bronze medal for Violas at the International violin making competition “santa cecilia” in Italy

2016 Bronze medal for Violin at the International violin making competition “santa cecilia” in Italy

2017 Silver medal for Viola at the Malta International violin making competition in Malta

2017 Bronze medal for Violin at the Malta International violin making competition in Malta

2018 Bronze medal for Violin at the Malta International violin making competition in Malta

2018 Silver medal for Violin at the “Violino Arvenzis” International violin making competition in Slovakia

2019 1st and 3rd awards for Violin at the International violin making competition “Andrea Postacchini” in Italy
Special Postacchini Prize for this violin “per il miglior giudizio estetico” (Best handwork)